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About us

The CCGs in south east London (Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and

Southwark) have chosen to work collaboratively to maximise health and care outcomes for 1.7million local people.


Our collaboration will consolidate leadership and accountability roles and establish an executive leadership team and commissioning architecture for south east London that will effectively address the scale of commissioning challenges set out within the Our Healthier South East London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) and the local strategic objectives of each CCG for their local populations.


To deliver our ambitions for both south east London and each of our boroughs the CCGs are

committed to work flexibly and collaboratively, working together where appropriate and

locally where necessary, to ensure that the services commissioned for each CCG's population are tailored to the particular circumstances and needs of the different areas.


Each CCG is a statutory organisation in its own right and has its own Governing Body. The

Governing Bodies of the CCGs are the ultimate decision making bodies and are sovereign. The Governing Bodies of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lewisham and Southwark CCGs (the five CCGs) will be supported by a single Accountable Officer, a single Chief Financial Officer; and each will have a Managing Director, responsible for the local leadership of commissioning activities at Borough level. NHS Lambeth CCG will retain its own Accountable Officer (shared with NHS Croydon CCG) and Chief Financial Officer. All six Governing Bodies and their Accountable Officers will be supported to deliver their responsibilities by:


  • A local borough commissioning team reporting to the Managing Director (or Accountable Officer in Lambeth)

  • A small number of directors, reporting to the Accountable for the five CCGs, and their teams delivering functions across all south east London boroughs

  • Access to commissioning support services provided by North East London CSU

  • An STP Programme Director and team, supporting work across all partners of the STP, including providers and local authorities in south east London


The Chief Financial Officer (which will be a single post for the five CCGs and work closely with the CFO for Lambeth) will report to the Accountable Officer of the five and will be a voting member of, and accountable to the Governing Bodies. They will manage two Directors of Finance which have responsibility for the Financial Management of the five CCGs, and also the Director of Financial Strategy which is a role operating across all six south east London CCGs (e.g. including NHS Lambeth CCG) and working with the wider south east London Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) organisations.

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